Saturday, September 10, 2005

time flies....

gosh time flies when you are.....having fun? or are busy? I have so much going on. Classes started and while they aren't hard there seems to be a lot of work. In my W131 class (ha this is what it looks like with the caps on - W!#! weird sense of humor coming through there) any way I found out that any student can use the campus writing center for anything. For example I can take the book I am working on down there and they can help me with the writing of it. Pretty cool! That is very exciting to me. Oh yes for those who don't know I am writing a book called - "Saved by an Email" it is the correspondence between a pastor/counselor and myself during a very dark time in my life. It is my hopes that people who are going through what I went through during that time would be encouraged and changed by the book. I have 100 pages written so far, it is mostly just organizing at this point. I must go through 1000's of emails and decide which ones to use. And then I must change some names, mostly it does not have people's names in it for very little of it is about people. It is about spirituality and emotional well-being.

Anyway I am off on a bunny trail there. I have been busy with my work and my sister's business, and the kids, school and house. My sister wants to work her business so badly and I told her I would work my own business and do the graphics for her and then she could run her as I start to type this I realize it is too hard to put into words all that is going on.

My youngest son started Middle School this year and he is just blooming! It is fun to watch! Last year the teacher said he barely talked in school and he would come home and just talk and talk and talk. He has always been very shy. Well he joined the drama team! And the drama teacher tells me what a gift he has and how he has such a stage presence! And he tells me everything he does and I told the drama teacher how his teacher couldn't get him to talk last year. It is almost as if we are talking about two different children. But he was so single minded when they announced drama club he jumped on the chance and couldn't wait for it to start. It is so cool! And then he is in shop class - I think they call it industrial arts now - and he is running the power tools and sanding and building things and he is in 7th heaven. He is just blooming! It is so exciting as a parent to see a child take off flying. He is excelling in his classes, even in language which has been a struggle for him. My daughter grumped all through the 6th grade and I was prepared for a repeat but it is not to be so.

My daughter is having health problems. They have decided that the shakiness and two big episodes that she has had is not hypoglycemia as first thought but seizures -- :.....(
They are going to do an MRI on wednesday, and then a sleep deprived EEG and then a 48 hour EEG. The doctor said that it could be because of the onset of puberty or it could be the onset of migraines or it could be something else. She is mad at me and wanting me to leave the whole thing alone, but the doctor heard enough to know that something was going on.
One a positive note - she has had this rash on her arm and the medicine the doctor gave her wasn't making it go away and one day she came to me and said mom look at my rash and I said, "wow it looks a lot better, the medicine must be working" and she said, "no I have been praying about it" so that is encouraging. And I have been asking her if she is experiencing any more shakiness and she said no. Now whether that is because she doesn't want this whole thing with the doctor to happen or because it really hasn't been happening I am not sure. Maybe it is the prayers being sent up.

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