Saturday, September 10, 2005


Well I did it. I bought yet another bible. Giant Print. I can't read my little ones and the other large print bible I have is falling apart, so I needed another one. It would probably be easier to get new classes so I could read the tiny print. I am being vain, I don't want bifocals those are for old people and I am NOT old. Anyway I bought this bible and I couldn't get it in the New Living Translation like I like I had to get it in the New King James Version, which seems to read pretty easily and it is just one more version to add to my collection.

I also bought a new book - The Lost Books of the Bible - quite fascinating reading so far. I am reading about Mary's parents and her birth and childhood. They say that these books are just as accurate but that politics might have played a part in them not getting in the bible. Or some questionable facts. Like the fact that Jesus when he was a boy got mad at another boy and caused him to fall down dead, and when the townspeople accused him of murder he caused some of them to go blind! But did it really happen? I can't wait to read in the text that part. I am quite curious.

Do you know that Joachim and Anna - Mary's parents couldn't concieve and the angel told Joachim that sometimes God does that so that the child born was not born out of lust but was born as a gift from God? Wow! I think that should be in the bible. Having been through infertility myself I would have been so encouraged to have read that.
I will try to keep you updated as to what I read. It is quite fascinating so far.

Boy I am just full of verbage today, aren't I?

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