Friday, September 22, 2006

God is Good

Wow! God is good! Here I was with no dollars, couldn't even scrape up the change anymore, Gas tank almost empty, out of milk...well I could go on but you get the picture. I was keeping my peace and trying very hard not to worry, the worry kept creeping in at times but I managed to keep my peace. Well today the kids dad paid his support and I got a check that I wasn't expecting for a couple of more weeks!

I know some of you could reason it away and say that it would have come anyway, but really I just turned in the invoice for the one check yesterday, and I got the check today! WOW! That never happens! And as for child support? Same thing - WOW! That never happens! ha ha!!

It is nice to have unexpected blessings like that, it really restores your faith.
It is Olivia's birthday today and I was worried about a present for her, well God has taken care of that in the whole of this as well. God is good!