Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Birthday Today!

Today is my 48th birthday! I don't feel 48 years old. I feel like I am still in my 20's....where does time go?
I had to work today and that means that I spent most of my day alone, in "the cave" my office as I have come to call it. It is painted black and is very dark, and NO ONE ever comes in my office....it is very lonely. But today I was busy and didn't take notice of it so much today.
I came home and my mom had fixed a great meal of roast, potatoes and cooked carrots! Yum! My favorite meal and then topped off with a sugar cream pie. My boys came in from their dad's house and my oldest son brought his friend - who is a girl - I dearly love her but they are just friends...maybe someday it will be more.
Over all is has been a okay day, but I am extremely tired and want to go to bed! I guess I really am getting old when I want to go to bed at 7:30 at night.
I blew out the candle on my cake and wished for a new job! Here is hoping that those birthday wishes really do come true.
Tomorrow would have been my 25th wedding anniversary had we stayed married. As it is we only made it to 18. I can't help but wonder what life would have been had we stayed married....I think I am better off. I just wonder how the kids might have been different - mostly my daughter - had we still been married....would she have avoided the pitfalls of her anger and rebellion? One has to wonder. Life really is all about choices.
Well enough for today, I will try to post more later this week. I have had the worst time with my daughter lately. I will share the story here later....a short preview would be - don't ever get homemade tatoos!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I have come to a conclusion....more on that in a minute, but first, I was reading my last post on negativity. I didn't say anything and it has died down now, the negativity that is. So I have made a commitment to myself, when someone posts something on the boards instead of jumping in and adding my opinion if it is something negative I am just going to sit back and not post anything. If we would all do that then it would die down really quickly. And...I have been posting positive things to help, but for the most part it has been very positive this week. I really do like these people on this forum, they are so fun and loving for the most part, and there are always a few good laughs!

Music Video

Created this for a school project and thought I would share.