Friday, August 19, 2005


I remember when......(eeeeeewwwwww) one email address and you had really made it. Now....I have ------drum roll please----------19 different-all active-emails! It is crazy! I am being handed and email every time I turn around, from somewhere! I have my school email, I have my home email (and a couple of others to help me separate), I have my work emails, which totals 6, I have the email for the magazine I write for, I have a yahoo email, which I really should get rid of, I have 5 aol emails ---oh and if I add the kids accounts it is staggering! Thank goodness for outlook where I can bring several of emails into one place, and my ISP provider allows the same as outlook, several emails in one place. It is just crazy!

Other Topics
Back to school money came and I promised the kids we could buy them new shoes and one new outfit, they are so excited. As a parent when you can't provide for your children it is very weighing on you. And then when you are able to buy them something that they need...yes for my children it really is a is a good feeling.

I was so excited because by sister cleaned out her closet and gave me any of the outfits she was getting rid of, that I wanted. Now you have to understand 3 things: My sister will buy an outfit and wear it once, some items still have tags on, and she is a 3x I am an x-large....I have always been so excited when she cleaned out her closet because it meant new clothes for me! Never mind that they didn't fit the greatest, they were new! I haven't bought myself any new clothes in a very very long time. I was never ashamed of it until someone from church came up and offered me some clothes of theirs, saying they thought that they might fit me better. I have been very ashamed of my dress up clothing since then. I know shame is not a good thing....but......when I start getting money to come in from my business, I am going to put a small clothing budget in there for me, somewhere. It doesn't tackle my current situation, but.....oh, will work out, and I will pray about it, I always have my casual clothes which are pretty good, and who needs so many dress up outfits anyway? I can be creative with my business outfits, a suit jacket can give a sweater top and pants a whole new look! (They will just think I love red and black! Power colors! ha ha!)

I am taking the kids to the zoo tomorrow. We received free passes to the zoo and the kids are so excited! My school money came and so we are going to splurge and do one of the rides, for 4 of us that will ad up quickly. Maybe even have lunch there, although it would probably be wiser to eat somewhere else. The kids have been talking all week about what they want to see at the zoo. Even my 15 year old! It is quite exciting, I love the zoo, and wish I had more time for it. I would love to have another year long zoo pass, maybe it would make a 2 hour trip more possible. --oh I must remember to charge the camera!

Mark my words.....
Someday I am going to be well off, I will not always be the single mom scrapping by. I will be the single mom, who is well off, mark my words on this.......not that money is driving me, it is not, but I am the child of a king, and I am going to live like it soon.....thank you God. My sister is well off, my brother.....whew, he is very well off, and my other sister, what she doesn't make in money, she makes in very very low rent and utilities in a good neighborhood, she has a good deal going. I will too---soon.

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