Sunday, August 14, 2005


I am so glad I went to church! I drag my feet and feel rotten and then I go to church and I hear what God is doing in other peoples lives and I share what God is doing in my own life (that is when the realization that God is at work happens) and I feel so much better! I have a neat group of people as friends at church. I always feel so much better after I worship and feel the love of the people around me.
I was truly blessed today. A person that I am just becoming acquainted with, truly becoming a friend, slipped me some cash today. What a huge blessing! I was worried about where gas for the car was going to come from. I can look at that and say a friend was kind to me or I can look at that and say that God moved on a friend of mine and supplied a need. Two ways of looking at the same thing. One blesses God the other blesses man.
I missed Tamara today. I was so looking forward to telling her about this blog, and how much fun I am having. Do I call her and stumble around with what to say that I missed her? Or do I do my usual and just wait until the next time I see her? I am great at electronic communication but really suck at face to face personal communication!

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