Sunday, January 25, 2009


Here is another week gone and another ready to start. It was quite an exciting week. I had wrote into the Dr. Phil show asking about where he sent kids that needed intense counseling. The associate producer called me back and wanted to feature my daughter on the show. After a whirlwind of phone calls back and forth and trying to get her cleared to go legally, it was all cancelled because the timing was not right. The associate producer said he enjoyed working with me and did want to feature us at a later date...he probably was saying that just to be nice but that is okay, it was exciting while it was happening. It made an otherwise boring week very exciting. I think I looked forward to going to a state with warm weather more than anything since we are still in a frozen tundra. I didn't so much want to be on the Dr. Phil show as much as I just wanted help for our daughter.
She started a new school this past week and she seems to be thriving in it and enjoying learning. A huge step forward!

I had a flat tire this week, and that is costing me $170. The future with no job lined up and not even any freelance lined up seems a little daunting at the moment. I have an appointment to talk to the women's bureau about how to successfully run a business. I have been doing this halfway for way too long now, it is time to get serious about it.

Now that I don't have to go to work, I will try to update this blog more often. I have been so busy twittering, and facebooking that I have let other things slide.
Tata for now!

Friday, January 16, 2009

It's been a while....

It has been a while since I have posted I have been going through a bit of a crisis period in my life. My daughter has made poor choices and caused a lot of reflection, anguish and tension. We are working on it and are walking tenderly on egg shells as we try to find a balance.
My father had surgery for an anuerysm and is having a tough time with the drugs making him loopy and not moving very well.
I lost my job.
And of course because of these big events all of the other stressful things that come up in life seem compounded.
But life goes on and this very moment I am at peace and relaxed and that is all I can do is live in the moment so for this moment - life is good.