Our trip was successful and our friend is doing much better. For that I am grateful.
My birthday, was fun. My friends took me to the cheesecake factory for my birthday dinner and we shopped (not my favorite activity but we had fun). Saturday night the people we were staying with took me out for my birthday, mexican restaurant, my favorite! It was a nice evening.
I was more than a little disappointed that my children or my parents or siblings - no one called me on my birthday to wish me happy birthday. I know I shouldn't let it disappoint me but I do.
And if success in friendships and family comes in the number of cards you get, or presents you get then I am doomed. I got 2 cards and 2 presents - and no phone calls......I live a pathetic life. I still think there must be something wrong with me that people seem to think so little of me. I have been told that is a lie from the pit of hell, but is it? Really?
I know I am having a pity party today and no one is coming but me. My life story. I hate my life.