Thursday, July 24, 2008


I keep telling myself it is a matter of attitude. I have to be thankful that I even have a job right now. It may get worse, or....I could get my dream job.
But I keep telling myself I have a job. Of course it has helped that my boss this week as been fairly sedate and we didn't have any drama! Maybe I am learning to keep my mouth shut better, or maybe she is relaxing. Her kitchen has been in the process of being remodeled and it has been finished this week, so maybe that is why we are having a good week, maybe the plant manager is not riding her so hard this week, who knows. I just know I have had a fairly good week at work.
I am extremely grateful for that since I found out I am trying to pass a kidney stone this week as well. If it doesn't pass by next week....well let's let tomorrow worry about itself! Thankfully I have no constant pain, only the pain when I....well you can fill in the blank there...ha ha! TMI!
So is it attitude or is it my boss, time will tell I suppose I am pretty sure it is my boss. I tend to be pretty upbeat when I am not at work.

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