Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Resolutions

Here is my list of New Years Resolutions:

First foremost and most importantly:
Contentment in all things...if I achieve this then all the rest will fall into place.
Contentment that I am where I am supposed to be with my job, that another door will open when the time is right for me to leave.

Eat healthier and Exercise more (yada yada yada - same as every other american in this world).

Listen more to the kids.

Fix up my house....gotta love that paycheck, eh?....learn contentment...

Read less about art and work more on creating it!

Draw more, and doodle even more.

Work hard at getting my sense of humor back....maybe I should hang around LuAnn more...she makes me laugh!

Never make a list of New Years Resolutions again...ha ha! This is the first one I have ever made in my whole life. I always thought they were a colossal waste of time. ha ha. So there you have it.

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