Thursday, December 20, 2007

Corporate personalities

Is it possible that there are just some people that are not cut out to work in the corporate world? I think I might be one of them. I hate my job. I love the money, love the work but the politics and the stupid people just amaze me.

Do you know that no one decorated for christmas in any way at work? Do you know there were no carry in's, no gift exchanges, no holiday atmosphere, just everyone leaving early and as soon as they could to get out of that place. It is so oppressive in this place. I feel like I am suffocating, drowning as a matter of fact. There is no creativity, it is just robotic, "this is what we want so do it...make it happen...." sigh..... I yell at God, I beg God, I plead with God, - GET ME OUT OF HERE! I look for jobs, I submit resume after resume hoping that someone will get me out of here, but no....I must stay. I really enjoy the paycheck, even if it is low on the pay scale for my field, but that guaranteed paycheck is certainly nice. I think God is having me work on being content no matter what situation I am in. I just cry when I think about going back to that place. I am SOOO looking forward to the next week off.
If you are reading this and you are a praying soul, please pray that God would do something in my situation at work!

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