Saturday, August 23, 2008

What a week!

What a week I have had! On Tuesday I received a congratulatory email stating that I had won an award with the work I had sent to an Art Show in Plano, Texas. I was SOOOOOO excited! But the awards were present on Thursday to an event that I could not travel too. But they had a webcast of it you could listen to with synced slides.
The wait for Thursday afternoon to come was almost unbearable!
Finally Thursday arrived and I signed in to the web cast. Well to make a long story short, my digital illustration Chocolate won First Place in the category of computer art, and my kaleidoscope with my giraffes won honorable mention in enhanced photography! Since my pieces won awards they will now be shipped to Dallas Texas where they will be displayed in the North Park Gallery to be seen by an estimated 2 million people! What an honor! Now the question most people ask is "how much money did you win?" I didn't win any monies, I just did it for the recognition. What an ego boost that was!

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