Saturday, June 16, 2007


THat is the equivalent of a big sigh.....I found out this week that I am getting laid off from the only steady income I have. Good news is I have 2 potential websites to work on, that should bring money in. all works out for the best. I will have more time to work on those websites.

And I think I have found a scholarship to help me with my camera situation. My camera quit focusing, and the camera repair shop I took it to said it was too old. It is only 5 years old! Well anyway, I can only borrow the multimedia labs camera at school for short times and usually not when I have the time to go take pictures. I have to take pictures for my senior project, this fall and fashion them into my designs. I went to the women's studies department at IPFW and they are working to help me get a solution figured out. hoooray!

My first solo show tonight for my artwork. I am excited yet nervous! I have invited 100 people by email and handed out 250 postcards. If all I had to do was show up and interact with people I would be fine. But I don't know what is expected as the norm for a opening. Am I supposed to have wine, cheese, crackers, hor duerves and such? I can't afford that. I decided to use a creative bent instead and bought 3 HUGE bags of M&M's and sorted them by color and then bought cupcake papers and I plan to create a kaleidoscope design out of the cupcake paper filled with M&M's. I wish I could do something more. Ah well, someday!

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